The Booty Report

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Arr matey, a 'Body Farm' be the key to swashbuckling away the scurvy fentanyl epidemic, arrr!


Arr matey! The U.S. government be bringin' Mexican coroners over to learn the art of detectin' fatal overdoses, in hopes o' provin' that the dreaded fentanyl be takin' lives in Mexico as well. 'Tis a strange voyage indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, the U.S. government be bringin' Mexican coroners to our shores to learn the ways of detectin' fatal overdoses. Aye, they be hopin' to prove that fentanyl be a deadly scourge in Mexico just like 'tis here in the States.
Arrr, 'tis a clever move by the government, showin' that the dangers of fentanyl be spreadin' far and wide. They be teachin' the Mexican coroners the signs of an overdose, the tell-tale marks that be left behind by this deadly substance.
But beware, me hearties! Fentanyl be a treacherous enemy, lurkin' in the shadows and takin' lives without mercy. 'Tis a deadly poison that must be handled with care and caution.
So let this be a warnin' to all ye scallywags out there - beware the dangers of fentanyl, for it be a silent killer that knows no boundaries. The U.S. government be takin' action to fight this deadly foe, and we must all be vigilant in our own quest for safety and health.

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