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Arrr! The Russkies' lodgings be under siege by flying contraptions from the Ukrainian scallywags, as per state gossip!


Avast ye mateys! 'Tis said a contraption known as a drone didst recklessly crash into two grand abodes in St. Petersburg! Blamed on Ukraine's scallywags, as per the Russians. Methinks 'twas merely a misunderstanding between neighbors in need of grog! Arrr!

Arr matey, a drone be crashin' into an apartment buildin' in St. Petersburg, as the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti reported. They be sayin' that them Ukrainian forces be causin' the damage to the buildin'. Two buildings be takin' a hit in St. Petersburg's Krasnogvardeisky district from the alleged attack. The pictures showin' the damage be lookin' like big craters on the outside o' the buildin'.Six o' the residents in the apartment be gettin' injured from the explosion and sent to the hospital. The Governor o' St. Petersburg be makin' the residents evacuate as a safety measure. Local folks be tellin' Reuters that they heard a "pop" and seen a "blaze" before the chaos ensued.Reports be comin' in from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy about eight folks bein' killed in a Russian drone attack in Odesa, Russia. The wee ones, four-month-old Tymofiy and two-year-old Mark, be among the victims of this tragedy. The Russian drone be shot down by Ukrainian air defenses but ended up crashin' into the apartment buildin' due to fallin' debris. Aye, Reuters and the Associated Press be helpin' with this tale.

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