The Booty Report

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Arrr! The toll be risin' to 12 souls as Zelensky be blamin' delay in air defense. Aye matey!


Arrr, President Volodymyr Zelensky did not mention the United States directly, but his words did seem to show some aggravation about the delay in receiving American booty. Methinks he be in need of some pirate gold to fund his adventures! Aye matey!

Arrr, mateys! Ye won't believe what President Volodymyr Zelensky be sayin'! He be feelin' mighty frustrated over a stalled American aid package, even though he didn't come right out and mention the United States. Ahoy, it be like tryin' to navigate treacherous waters without a compass!
Thar be rumors flyin' about why the aid package be stallin'. Some scallywags be sayin' it be political reasons, while others be blamin' it on bureaucratic delays. But no matter the reason, President Zelensky be feelin' like he be left hangin' from the crow's nest!
Ye can almost hear the poor man shoutin' from the poop deck, "Avast ye, where be me treasure?" But instead of gold and jewels, he be talkin' about much-needed aid for his country. It be a land lubber's nightmare!
So let's all raise a tankard of grog to President Zelensky and hope that his words be reachin' the ears of those who hold the key to unlockin' the aid package. May his frustrations be heard across the seven seas, and may the winds of change finally blow in his favor!

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