The Booty Report

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Arrr, South Korea be takin' away licenses from thousands o' scallywag doctors who be strikin'! Aye, the land lubbers be in for a rough sail ahead.


Arrr mateys! The crew be walkin' the plank after much rumbling and grumblin' from the scallywags in the med school. The government be tryin' to cram more landlubbers onto the ship, but the crew be havin' none of it! A mutiny be brewin'!

Arr mateys, listen up! The scallywags in charge be makin' a bold move after bein' hounded by the young whippersnappers in medical school. These lads and lasses be raisin' a ruckus over the government's plan to let more scallywags into the medical school. Aye, you heard right, they be wantin' more landlubbers to join their ranks!
But the interns and residents be havin' none of it! They be standin' firm, demandin' that the government walk the plank on this plan. They be sayin' that the seas be rough enough as it is, and addin' more swabbies to the crew will only make matters worse. Aye, the interns and residents be makin' a stand!
So the government be listenin' to their pleas, and be makin' the drastic decision to abandon the plan. The interns and residents be cheerin' like they just found a chest of gold! The government be backin' down, seein' that the crew be united against 'em. Aye, it be a victory for the interns and residents, aye!

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