The Booty Report

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Arrr! Cap'n Harris be cryin' for peace in the East, beggin' those scallywags in Hamas to stop their plunderin'!


Avast ye scallywags! The vice president be demandin' that scurvy dogs Hamas agree to a six-week truce, and Israel to be showin' some mercy by sendin' more aid to Gaza. Arrr, the suffering be as grand as the ocean depths!

Avast ye scallywags! The vice president be speakin' in her boldest words yet, demandin' that them scurvy dogs of Hamas agree to a six-week ceasefire, and callin' on the landlubbers of Israel to be sendin' more aid into Gaza to help ease the sufferin' of the poor souls there. Arr!
It be a fierce battle of words, with the vice president standin' strong and demandin' action from both sides. She be takin' no prisoners and makin' it clear that the time for dilly-dallyin' be over. The plight of the people in Gaza be dire, and she be demandin' that somethin' be done about it pronto!
So listen up, ye scurvy dogs of Hamas and Israel! The vice president be watchin' ye, and she be expectin' action to be taken. The time for talkin' be done, and the time for action be at hand. So shape up or prepare to walk the plank, ya hear?

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