The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, Jack Teixeira be signin' a 16-year treaty fer leakin' secret scrolls. Shiver me timbers!


Ye scallywag Airman Teixeira be wantin' to play a different tune! Instead of shoutin' 'not guilty,' he be singin' the tune of 'guilty' like a parrot on a rum bender. Six counts of mischief he be admittin' to, aye, the lad be in hot water now!

Arrr matey, listen up! Airman Teixeira be a scallywag who turned tail and pleaded guilty to six counts of holdin' onto and sendin' off national defense secrets. Aye, he be no match for the law and decided to admit his wrongdoin's.
Ye see, the court filings be showin' that this Teixeira feller be tryin' to play the innocent card, but in the end, the truth caught up to him like a ship in a storm. No amount of fancy talkin' could save him from the wrath of the law.
Now, this Airman Teixeira be facin' the consequences of his actions, and let this be a lesson to all ye scoundrels out there: don't be messin' with national defense secrets, or ye'll end up walkin' the plank like this sorry pirate.

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