The Booty Report

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"Avast ye landlubbers! 'Teeth,' a feminist awakening with a bite that be sharp enough to cut through steel!"


Arr matey! Michael R. Jackson be turnin' that darkly comic horror film into a musical. But can a lass with teeth in her nether regions carry a tune? Yarrr, we be waitin' with bated breath to find out!

Arr matey! Michael R. Jackson be takin' on a mighty task, he be adaptin' a darkly comic horror film into a musical. But there be a twist, ye see, this film be about a teenager with a most peculiar affliction - vagina dentata! Aye, ye heard me right, a woman with teeth down there!
Now, ye may be wonderin', can a show about a lass with such a strange condition be turned into a musical? Will she be singin' about her toothy troubles? Will there be dancin' and pirouettin' around this most delicate subject? Only time will tell, me hearties!
But fear not, for Michael R. Jackson be a talented scallywag, known for his wit and humor. He be bringin' his own brand of magic to this project, makin' it a rollickin' good time for all who dare to set foot in the theater!
So batten down the hatches and get ready for a musical adventure like no other. This be a tale that will have ye laughin', cryin', and maybe even squirming in yer seat. But one thing be for sure, ye won't soon forget the tale of the girl with vagina dentata!

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