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Germany be denyin' leaked audio be signs of war, claimin' 'tis all a jolly ol' misunderstanding with Russia. Arrr!


Arrr mateys, the German scallywags be denyin' the accusations of them Russian scallywags! They be sayin' it be a lie that they be preparin' for war. Methinks they be just plottin' to steal more treasure from the innocent land lubbers! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! The German government be denyin' that the leak by Russia of a conversation by high-ranking German military officers be a sign of war preparations against Russia. They be promisin' a swift investigation into how such a conversation could be intercepted and made public. A spokesman for Chancellor Olaf Scholz called the claims of war preparations absurdly infamous Russian propaganda, while another government spokesman accused Russia of waging an "information war" against the West.The leaked recording features German military officers discussin' plans for Taurus missiles in Ukraine, but Scholz has made it clear that Germany ain't plannin' to deliver these weapons to Ukraine and get involved directly in the war. Relations between Germany and Russia have been sour since Russia's invasion of Ukraine.The leak, posted by a Russian editor, came just as Russia threatened Germany with dire consequences over the incident. The German government is investigatin' how the conversation was intercepted and leaked, and is lookin' into countering Russian disinformation. The Kremlin be awaitin' the results of Germany's investigation.

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