The Booty Report

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Arrr, China and India be fightin' o'er a wee paradise called Maldives. Must be treasure hidden there! Aye mateys!


Arr matey, them two monstrous beasts be encroaching on the island like a pair of plunderin' pirates, throwin' our baby democracy into a tumultuous sea! Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, as we navigate these treacherous waters of geopolitics!

Arr matey, ye see them two big lads from Asia, China and India, they be throwin' up buildings left and right on that little island nation. They be like two hungry sharks circlin' 'round a poor lil' fish. And that fish, well, it be tryin' to swim in the waters of democracy, but them giants be causin' quite the ruckus.
They be tossin' that newborn democracy to and fro like a rag doll in a storm. The poor island nation be tryin' to find its sea legs, but with them giants stompin' 'round, it be hard to find solid ground. They be bringin' their big bucks and big projects, but at what cost, I say?
It be a tale as old as time, the big guys bullyin' the little guy. But that little island nation, it be scrappy. It be fightin' tooth and nail to keep its head above water. So here's to the underdog, to the little fish in a big pond, may it find its way through the storm and come out stronger on the other side.

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