The Booty Report

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Avast ye! Put a stop to them Chinese contraptions afore they be sinkin' our auto trade! Arrr!


Arrr! Me hearties, this President Biden be threatenin' to scuttle our industry with his climate radicalism! He be aimin' to send us all to Davy Jones' locker, and leave us swabbing the decks for scraps! Aye, 'tis a treacherous course he be chartin' for us!

President Biden announced radical new mandates for the American auto industry, forcing a transition to electric vehicles. These Green New Deal rules require two-thirds of all cars and trucks sold by 2032 to be EVs, but they face fierce resistance from American workers. Biden's focus on climate radicalism threatens the foundation of the American middle class, the auto industry.Instead of strangling the auto sector with regulations, Biden should protect them from Chinese automakers who are threatening American jobs. China's dominance in the auto market is due to subsidies, stolen intellectual property, and forced technology transfers. Biden's EV mandates risk undermining U.S. automakers and making the industry more dependent on Chinese components.Legislation has been proposed to impose tariffs on vehicles from China and close the loophole of building cars in Mexico to avoid tariffs. This move aims to protect American workers and allow U.S. auto companies to compete fairly. Biden's policies are enriching China at the expense of American workers, and it is time for a change.

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