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Arrr, Russia be makin' it easier for Ukraine to send those enemy birds to Davy Jones' Locker! Aye!


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in Moscow be gettin' a boost from their air support, but those landlubbers in Ukraine be havin' a good aim and takin' down enemy planes like they be shootin' fish in a barrel! Ahoy, the battle rages on!

Arr matey, it seems them folks in Moscow be makin' some gains in thar eastern lands with the help of some fierce air support. But aye, it appears that this bold move has also given Ukraine the chance to take down some o' them enemy planes in the last fortnight! Arrr, a twist in the tale indeed.
It be a fierce battle out thar on the front lines, with both sides fightin' tooth and nail for control o' the land. The skies be filled with cannon fire and smoke as the planes clash in a deadly dance. But it seems that Ukraine be holdin' their own against the enemy, takin' down a few o' their birds in the process.
So, me hearties, it be a tale of courage and cunning on both sides of the conflict. The winds o' war be blowin' strong, but who will emerge victorious in the end? Only time will tell, as the battle rages on and the stakes be raised higher than ever before. Yo ho ho, the drama be unfoldin' in the skies above, and only the bravest and most skilled shall prevail in this epic struggle for supremacy.

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