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Arrr! Gov. Newsom be sayin' the landlubbers want more from us! Californians be votin' on homelessness, arrr!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags in California be ready to weigh in on Gov. Gavin Newsom's fancy Proposition 1. 'Tis a grand plan to combat the land's homeless woes. Let's hope they don't end up walkin' the plank instead! Aye!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties of California be set to vote on a grand statewide ballot measure this Tuesday, as touted by the governor as a major step to tackle homelessness and the first major update to the state’s mental health system in two decades. Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom be sayin' Proposition 1 be needed to tackle the state’s homelessness crisis by boostin' investments in housing and substance use programs. But social providers be worryin' it would threaten programs keepin' people from becoming homeless in the first place.The measure would restrict how counties use money from a voter-approved tax on millionaires for mental health services, providin' a significant portion of the state’s mental health budget. Counties would be required to spend two-thirds of those funds on housing and programs for homeless people with serious issues.Newsom wants to give the state more control over how the money be spent, but critics say it could pit programs against each other. Proposition 1 also aims to build housing units and treatment beds for veterans and those with mental health and addiction issues.Newsom has the support of law enforcement, hospitals, and mayors, raisin' funds to promote the initiative. The homelessness crisis be a frustratin' issue in California, with a large homeless population in need of housing and treatment facilities. The proposition be touted as the final piece in Newsom's plan to reform the state’s mental health system, as he's already made efforts to address the crisis.

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