The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, Spain be providin' 2.5 million lasses with booty fer their monthly plunderin' needs! Aye, well done!


Arr matey, me heart be glad to hear that Spain's Catalonia be givin' out free reusable treasures for the lasses in need. Aye, 2.5 million women and girls be blessed with the gift of comfort during their monthly plunderin'. 'Tis a jolly good initiative, says I!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Spain’s Catalonia region be rolling out a pioneering women’s health initiative this week, savvy? Ye can lay yer hands on reusable menstruation products for free, mateys. About 2.5 million women, girls, transgender, and nonbinary folks who be menstruatin’ can snag one menstrual cup, one pair of period undies, and two packs of cloth pads at local pharmacies in northeast Spain, all on the house.The Catalan government be callin’ this initiative "My period, my rules," and be aimin’ to guarantee the right to menstrual equity, arrr! They be sayin’ that 23% of women be reusin’ single-use hygiene products for economic reasons, savvy?Tània Verge, the regional minister for equality and feminism, be hailin’ this program as a "global first," ye scallywags. The aim be to fight menstrual poverty, gender injustice, and climate change by reducin’ waste from single-use products, arrr!The reusable products be provided by the public health care system and distributed by private pharmacies, costin’ the regional government $9.2 million. The program be receivin’ praise from women like Laura Vilarasa, a graphic designer in Barcelona, and be part of Spain’s broader efforts to improve women’s health rights, mateys. So, on International Women’s Day on March 8, raise a grog to the lasses in Catalonia fightin’ for their rights!

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