The Booty Report

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Arrr! Panama be sayin' Martinelli can't be runnin' for president! Walk the plank, matey!


Arrr mateys, the scallywags at the electoral tribunal be tellin' Ricardo Martinelli he can't be sailin' in this election waters 'cause he got caught with his hands in the treasure chest and sent to the brig for more than five years! Aye, justice be served!

Arrr matey, ye won't believe the news on the high seas! The electoral tribunal be givin' Ricardo Martinelli the old heave-ho, claimin' he ain't fit to sail the political waters. Why, ye ask? The scallywags say he be convicted of money laundering and sentenced to more than five years in the brig!
Arrr, seems our friend Martinelli be caught with his hand in the cookie jar, tryin' to pilfer some doubloons for himself. But the tribunal be sayin' that's a big no-no in the pirate code of honor. Ye can't be runnin' for office if ye can't keep yer hooks off the loot!
So now Martinelli be walkin' the plank of political disgrace, left to swab the decks of his own misdeeds. The waters be rough for him now, with no ship to steer and no crew to command. Ye can almost hear the sound of the cannons firing in the distance, as his hopes of plunderin' the political treasure chest be dashed.

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