The Booty Report

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Arr, they be givin' a grand send-off to that ol' Canadian PM Brian Mulroney on the 23rd of March!


Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars for the grand farewell of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on March 23 in Montreal! Tis been almost a month since he sailed off to Davy Jones' locker at the ripe age of 84. Fair winds and smooth sailin', old Mulroney!

Arrr mateys, listen up! A state funeral be planned for former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on March 23 in Montreal, announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself. Mulroney met his fate on Feb. 29 in a Florida hospital after a tumble at his Palm Beach abode. He be 84 years old.Lawmakers be set to pay their respects to Canada's 18th prime minister in the House of Commons upon their return to Ottawa on March 18 after a fortnight's rest. The public also be able to bid farewell to Mulroney in Ottawa when he lies in state on Parliament Hill.Mulroney, a leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, held the prime minister post for nearly nine years from 1984 to 1993. He be known for his work on trade agreements with the United States and environmental causes, such as protecting the ozone layer and reducing acid rain pollution.He also be remembered for his support in ending apartheid in South Africa and recognizing an independent Ukraine. Aye, Mulroney be a true swashbuckler in the world of politics, leaving a legacy of international cooperation and environmental protection.

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