The Booty Report

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Arrr! Moldova be cryin' foul as them scurvy Russians be meddlin' in their affairs before the big votes!


Arr mateys! Moldova's Intelligence and Security Services be shoutin' from the crow's nest about Russia stickin' its nose where it don't belong in the EU referendum and presidential vote. Aye, beware of them scurvy dogs!

In a report released by Moldova’s national intelligence agency, the Intelligence and Security Services, it was warned of "unprecedented" Russian interference ahead of a referendum on joining the European Union and a presidential election. The head of the SIS, Alexandru Musteata, revealed plans for vast hybrid attacks by Russia to bring Moldova back under Moscow's influence. Musteata expressed concerns about Russia undermining democratic processes in the country, including the referendum and elections.The report highlighted Russia's strategy of using social networks like Telegram and TikTok to support pro-Moscow political figures, incite crises and protests, and spread disinformation. Pro-Russia Moldovan oligarch Ilan Shor was identified as a key player in Russia’s campaign, with the goal of compromising the referendum results. Moldova, a neighbor of Ukraine and Romania, is set to hold a referendum on EU membership and a presidential election.Tensions have escalated between Moldova and its Russia-backed breakaway region of Transnistria, with accusations of Russian interference and destabilization campaigns. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Moldova's relationship with Moscow has deteriorated. Despite these concerns, there has been no comment from Russian officials regarding the report.

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