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Arrr! Biden be swallowin' lies about Israel, throwin' the 'Pompeo Doctrine' o'erboard like a scurvy dog!


Arrr, Biden be sailin' with the scurvy dog left, believin' in the same old lies of Washington that be feedin' the flames of conflict. 'Tis rewardin' the wicked acts o' terror by Hamas on Oct. 7. Aye, we be doomed to walk the plank if we don't wise up soon!

In a recent speech in Brazil, Secretary of State Antony Blinken boldly declared that the Biden administration viewed Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria as illegal under international law. This move by Team Biden continues a trend of misguided policies that have alienated allies like Saudi Arabia and Israel, while supporting Palestinian terrorists with American tax dollars. This decision echoes the failed anti-Israeli stance of the Obama administration, bringing disappointment to those who hoped for a change.During my time as secretary of state under President Trump, we took a different approach in the Middle East. We focused on deterring Iran, building coalitions, and supporting Israel through initiatives like the Abraham Accords. Our policies were based on historical and legal truths, recognizing Israel's sovereignty and right to exist in its historical homeland.President Biden's reversal of these policies, ignoring historical and biblical truths to appease a progressive base, is a dangerous path that will only deepen the conflict. By pressuring Israel to make concessions for political gain and failing to address the true obstacles to peace, Biden is sacrificing long-term stability for short-term political victories.As the election cycle approaches, I hope the American people will reject these flawed policies and elect leaders who prioritize true peace and security in the region.

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