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Arrr! Hezbollah be feelin' feisty, firin' rockets at Israel shortly after Biden's envoy set foot in Lebanon. Jolly good show!


Arr mateys! The scallywags of Hezbollah and the IDF be havin' a grand ol' time tradin' cannonballs in Lebanon. A White House adviser be tryin' to play peacemaker, but the fight be ragin' on like a ferocious storm at sea! Arrrrr!

Arr, ye scallywags! On Tuesday, them Hezbollah militants and them Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) be gettin' into a right old scuffle after a White House senior adviser paid a visit to Beirut in an attempt to calm the waters, arr!The IDF be sayin' that rockets be flyin' from Lebanon towards Israel in the areas of Manara and Kiryat Shmona. In retaliation, the IDF be sendin' their fighter jets to strike Taybeh, a town in southern Lebanon, that was allegedly bein' used as a launch pad by them scurvy dogs of Hezbollah to attack the city of Kiryat Shmona.The IDF also be claimin' to have struck a Hezbollah anti-tank missile launch post in the village of Aarab El Louaizeh and other targets in Dibbine and Ayta ash Shab, arr!Lebanon’s Civil Defense and Hezbollah’s Islamic Health unit be findin' bodies in the rubble, arr! First responders be pullin' out the bodies of Hassan Hussein, his wife Rwaida Mostafa, and their son, while searchin' for more, arr!Them skirmishes be escalatin' along the border, with Israel already bein' at odds with Hamas. Hezbollah be joinin' in the fray, causin' chaos since the war between Israel and Hamas broke out on Oct. 7, arr!Mayhaps peace be found soon, before more lives be lost in this high seas showdown!

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