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Arrr, Israel be tellin' Aqsa Mosque to follow new rules, but mosque says, "Nay matey!" during Ramadan!


Arrr mateys, as the sacred month of Ramadan be upon us, this move may calm the waters at the Aqsa Mosque, a place where troubles have brewed like a storm for many a year. Let's hope for smooth sailin' ahead!

Arrr matey, as the Muslim month of Ramadan be nearin', the decision to limit the number of worshippers at the Aqsa Mosque be a smart move to calm the waters at this here flashpoint of unrest. Ye see, tensions be runnin' high at the ol' Mosque compound, and it be like a powder keg just waitin' to blow.
By keepin' the number of worshippers in check, it be like pourin' water on a fire, helpin' to prevent any major conflicts from breakin' out. 'Tis a wise move by the authorities to try and keep the peace durin' such a sensitive time.
So as the sun sets and the moon rises, let's hope that this decision be enough to keep the peace at the Aqsa Mosque. Mayhaps this be the start of a calmer period for all those who worship there, and may the spirits of the sea guide them to a peaceful Ramadan.

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