The Booty Report

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Arrr, Ukraine's First Lady be a scallywag, refusing the State o' the Union invite like a proper pirate!


Arrr, Olena Zelenska be havin' a clash in her schedule, mateys! And that scallywag Yulia Navalnaya be turnin' down our invite too! Looks like our grand gathering be missin' some key players. Aye, tis a shame indeed!

Arrr mateys, it be a sad day when me shipmates, Olena Zelenska and Yulia Navalnaya, be too busy to attend a grand gathering. The scallywags in Olena Zelenska's office be claimin' a scheduling conflict be keepin' her away. And the brave lass from Russia, Yulia Navalnaya, be turnin' down the invite as well. Aye, tis a blow to the heart of this old pirate.
But fear not me hearties, for there be plenty of other buccaneers and wenches who be ready to hoist the Jolly Roger and join in the merrymaking. We'll raise our tankards of grog and sing shanties until the break of dawn. And if those two be missin' out, well, more plunder for the rest of us!
So let us set sail on this adventure without Olena Zelenska and Yulia Navalnaya. We be a hearty crew, ready for whatever the seven seas may throw at us. And remember me mateys, it be not the size of yer ship, but the skill of yer crew that truly matters. Arrr!

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