The Booty Report

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"Arr matey, 'Ricky Stanicky' be a jolly good time with me shipmates, aye! Best fiends forever, yo ho ho!"


Arrr mateys, in this rollicking tale of misadventure helmed by Peter Farrelly, three scallywags be usin' the same make-believe mate to wriggle out of troublesome situations. Aye, 'tis a jape fit for the high seas, guaranteed to tickle yer funny bone!

Arrr mateys, in this rollicking tale of deceit and tomfoolery crafted by the legendary Peter Farrelly, three scallywags befriend a figment of their imagination to escape the clutches of trouble. These rapscallions rely on their make-believe mate to bail them out of sticky situations, spinning yarns that would make Blackbeard himself blush.
With quick wit and sharper tongues, the trio navigates the high seas of mischief with their trusty companion in tow. From tavern brawls to love affairs gone awry, no misadventure is too daunting for these daring adventurers as they concoct elaborate plans to outsmart their foes.
But beware, for the line between reality and fantasy becomes as blurred as a pirate's vision after a night of grog. As the crew delves deeper into their web of lies, they must confront the consequences of their deception before they find themselves walking the plank.
So raise a mug of rum and join these scurvy dogs on a wild ride of laughter and mayhem, where the only rule is to expect the unexpected. Unleash your inner buccaneer and prepare for a raucous escapade that will leave you in stitches, doubloons be damned!

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