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Arr mateys, there be a ruckus in Poland as farmers be squabblin' with the coppers o'er Ukraine goods!


Arrr mateys, in Poland, a rowdy protest orchestrated by farmers and their brethren took place outside the parliament. Some scallywags even hurled stones at the constables and tried to break through the barricades. Aye, 'twas quite the ruckus!

Arrr, mateys! 'Twas a wild day in Poland as farmers and supporters clashed with the law on Wednesday, throwin' stones and tryin' to breach the barriers 'round parliament, causin' a ruckus and injurin' some officers. The scallywags were furious over the European Union's climate policies and food imports from Ukraine that they claim be threatenin' their means of survival.These protests have been poppin' up all across the EU, but this one in Poland be particularly heated, with farmers on their tractors blockin' highways and their supporters marchin' to the parliament, raisin' hell and burnin' flags.The police be warnin' against the use of pyrotechnics and the like, but these protesters ain't listenin'. They be demandin' a withdrawal from the EU's Green Deal and the closin' of the Polish-Ukrainian border to protect their livelihoods.Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who be a strong supporter of the EU and Ukraine, be feelin' the pressure from these protests and promisin' amendments to the Green Deal to calm the waters.But anti-Ukrainian sentiments be risin', and authorities fear Russia be tryin' to stir up trouble between Poland and Kyiv. 'Tis a tumultuous time in the land of Poland, with agriculture playin' a small but significant role in the economy.

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