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Arrr! The UN be keepin' an eye on that Ukrainian nuclear plant in the midst of battle, mateys. Aye!


Arrr, the IAEA Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi set sail for Russia to parley about the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant woes in Ukraine, due to the war. Aye, tis a right pickle we find ourselves in, me hearties!

Arr, the U.N.'s atomic watchdog be settin' sail to Russia, where the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant be caught in a right old pickle since them scallywags from Moscow seized it in 2022. The IAEA Director-General be makin' his way to the Black Sea resort of Sochi for talks on nuclear safety in Ukraine, matey.The International Atomic Energy Agency be soundin' the alarm about the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the biggest in all of Europe. The plant's reactors be sittin' idle, needin' power and skilled crew to keep its safety systems runnin' smooth.The IAEA chief be havin' a powwow with them Russian officials in Sochi, tryin' to assess the situation at the plant. Even that scallywag Putin be meetin' with the Director-General during his visit, arr!Grossi be talkin' about keepin' the dialogue open with both sides, reckonin' the situation at the Zaporizhzhia plant be as delicate as a ship in a storm. If the plant be startin' up again, he be talkin' safety and power supply, tryin' to keep the nuclear disaster at bay.Ukraine's Energoatom be tellin' tales of Russian restrictions on Ukrainian staffers at the plant, with thousands of workers leavin' since the takeover. Ukrainian crew be replaced by Russian folk who know as much about nuclear power as a fish knows about walkin' the plank!

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