The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dog! Caught red-handed spyin' on guests in the privy! Walk the plank ye filthy bilge rat!


Arrr mateys, the scallywag who used to sail with Royal Caribbean be tellin' the authorities that he be spyin' on folks since he set foot on deck in December two thousand and twenty-three. Now he be facin' charges from both the King's law and the local constables. Aye, what a treacherous tale indeed!

Arr matey, let me spin ye a tale that be as scandalous as a pirate's treasure! A scallywag who be workin' for Royal Caribbean be caught with his pants down, or should I say spyglass out, as he be secretly recordin' folks without their knowledge or consent. The bilge rat be at it since December 2023, gatherin' all kinds of booty in the form of videos and such.
But alas, his days of skullduggery be at an end as the authorities have caught wind of his misdeeds. Now he be facin' the wrath of both federal and state charges, with no parrot nor peg leg to save him from the plank. The scurvy dog be walkin' the plank for sure, with no chance of a pardon from the captain.
So beware, me hearties, for there be treacherous waters out there, and ye never know when a sneaky landlubber be tryin' to profit off yer unsuspectin' ways. Keep yer wits about ye and yer spyglasses at the ready, for ye never know when ye might be the next victim of a modern-day pirate lookin' to make a quick buck off yer private affairs. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, me mateys!

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