The Booty Report

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Arrr, the cove of Hollywood be expectin' trouble at the Oscars, so the constables be preparin' for a ruckus!


Arrr mateys, the scallywags of the Los Angeles police be addin' more o' their crew to keep watch over the Academy Awards, fearin' a ruckus over the Israel-Hamas skirmish. Avast ye, let's hope no one be causin' a mutiny on the red carpet!

Ahoy mateys! The scallywags of the Los Angeles police be sayin' they be raisin' their sails and increasin' their presence at the grand Academy Awards. Why, ye ask? 'Tis all because of the potential for rumblings and protests over the Israel-Hamas war.
Arrr, it be a tricky situation indeed! The landlubbers be walkin' a fine line between keepin' the peace and lettin' the salty dogs have their say. But fear not, me hearties, for the brave officers be standin' ready to swashbuckle any troublemakers that dare to disrupt the festivities!
So gather 'round, me mateys, and raise a tankard to the brave souls keepin' watch over the glitzy affair. Let's hope that all goes smoothly and that the only fireworks be the ones on the silver screen, savvy? Fair winds and following seas to ye all!

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