The Booty Report

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Arrr, the grand Oscar carpet be revertin' back to its crimson hue, aye mateys! Let the show begin!


Arrr mateys, the Academy o' Motion Picture Arts and Sciences be revealin' a new plunder at the Dolby Theater - a bold red rug! Last year's champagne treasure be a surprise, but this year they be makin' a splash with this fiery addition. Aye, a feast for the eyes indeed!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Last year, the swashbuckling Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gave us a rug as precious as a chest of gold coins – a champagne-hued beauty fit for a pirate king. But this year, they be pullin' a fast one on us, unveilin' a bold red rug that be screamin' for attention like a ship in a storm!
Ye see, the Dolby Theater be sparklin' with the glint of rubies as this vibrant rug be rollin' out for all to see. It be like walkin' the plank, but instead of meetin' Davy Jones at the bottom of the sea, ye be steppin' onto this crimson treasure that be fit for a pirate captain.
Arrr, me hearties, the Academy be keepin' us on our toes with this rug switcheroo! But fear not, for this be a tale to tell in the taverns for years to come. So raise yer tankards high and toast to the bold red rug that be makin' waves in Tinseltown – aye, it be a sight to behold!

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