The Booty Report

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Arrr, the swashbucklin' designer be sharin' her top looks for ‘Oppenheimer’! Aye, a feast for the eyes!


Arrr, me hearties! The wench Ellen Mirojnick, be up for her first Oscar fer “Oppenheimer,” be the mastermind behind the threads o' the most legendary films o' the ’80s and ’90s. She be a seamstress fit fer a pirate queen, aye!

Arrr, the swashbucklin' designer be sharin' her top looks for ‘Oppenheimer’! Aye, a feast for the eyes!

Arr matey! Thar be a talented wench by the name of Ellen Mirojnick, who be up fer an Oscar fer her work on a film called “Oppenheimer.” This be her first time bein' nominated fer such a prestigious award. But don't be thinkin' this be her first time makin' some swashbucklin' costumes!
Ellen be the one who dressed some of the most legendary films o' the '80s and '90s. She be the one who made all them actors look like real scallywags and swashbucklers on the big screen. She be the one who turned mere mortals into larger-than-life characters!
From pirates to princesses, Ellen be the one who brought these characters to life through her magical costume designs. She be a true master o' her craft, a real treasure in the world o' film makin'.
So let's raise a tankard o' grog to Ellen Mirojnick, the unsung hero o' the silver screen. May she continue to dazzle us with her talent fer many years to come. Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!

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