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Arrr! The scallywags be givin' the Haitian PM a hard time, keepin' him from his own land! Aye matey!


Arrr mateys! The scallywag Ariel Henry be havin' a rough time keepin' his grasp on power. Gangs be plunderin' the main airport while he be off gallivantin'. 'Tis a tale fit for Davy Jones' locker!

Ahoy matey! Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry be in quite a pickle as he be tryin' to sail back home, only to find gang attacks be causin' chaos all 'round, with the main international airport closed and over 4,000 prisoners set free in recent days.As the sun rose on Wednesday, Henry still be stranded in Puerto Rico, havin' been denied entry to the Dominican Republic due to closed airspace. The scallywag be facin' a right ol' mess as more crewmates be callin' for his resignation or nudgin' him toward it.The old salt, a 74-year-old neurosurgeon, got mixed up in Haitian politics back in the early 2000s, opposin' President Aristide and later joinin' a U.S.-backed council. He took on various roles in the government, includin' managin' the response to a massive earthquake in 2010.Despite facin' demands to walk the plank, Henry claims he be seekin' unity and dialogue, aimin' to hold elections once it be safe. But the scallywags be restless, demandin' change and elections that be long overdue.As Henry's ship be tossed in turbulent waters, the U.N. Security Council be plannin' to have an emergency meetin' to discuss the situation and the challenges the prime minister be facin'. The U.S. be pushin' for a smooth transition to a new governin' structure, but whether Henry be able to weather the storm remains to be seen.

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