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Ye scurvy dogs of Islamic State be ruinin' truffle huntin' for all! 18 souls sent to Davy Jones' locker.


Arrr mateys, them scurvy dogs from the Islamic State be causin' havoc in the eastern lands of Syria, takin' the lives of at least 18 souls and leavin' many more injured or lost at sea. May their sails be tattered and their treasure cursed!

In the language of 17th-century pirates, ye scurvy Islamic State scoundrels be attacking innocent villagers gatherin' truffles in the sands of eastern Syria. Aye, at least 18 souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker, with scores more injured or missin'. The attack near Kobajeb in Deir el-Zour be one of the deadliest strikes by the scallywags in over a year, arrr!Even though the bilge rats were supposedly defeated in Syria back in 2019, their cursed sleeper cells still be causin' havoc across the land. These truffle hunters, workin' in groups in remote areas, be easy prey for these ruffians, who be killin' some and abductin' others for ransom, aye!In a separate tale of woe, an al-Qaida-linked group in Syria be releasin' over 400 captives from its dungeons after protests for their freedom. The Observatory for Human Rights reported a bloody toll of 18 dead, 16 wounded, and many more missin' or kidnapped. The truffle farmers and their vehicles be left in ruins, aye!These truffles be a rare treasure in these parts, fetchin' a high price. The poor folk in Syria risk life and limb to gather 'em. The rebels and al-Qaida factions be causin' more trouble, with protests and unrest spreadin' like wildfire. 'Tis a cursed land, indeed, filled with treachery and sorrow, arrr!

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