The Booty Report

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Arrr! Six souls met their maker in a humble abode in Ottawa, aye, a tragic tale indeed!


Arrr, word on the high seas be that the scallywags in blue be sniffin' around the deaths of four young'uns and two landlubbers on Wednesday. They be playin' detective while us pirates be plunderin' the booty! Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! The constables be lookin' into the brutal slayin' of four wee ones and two grown landlubbers. 'Tis a tragic tale indeed, as the scallywags responsible for such heinous deeds be still on the loose, makin' the good folk of the town quiver in fear.
The young scallywags bein' taken from this world too soon, their futures plundered by them heartless villains. And the poor souls of the two adults, cut down in their prime, leavin' behind a wake of sorrow and grief.
But fear not, me hearties! The constables be on the case, searchin' for any clues to bring these dastardly criminals to justice. They be turnin' over every stone, scourin' every corner of the town in pursuit of the truth.
So batten down the hatches and stay vigilant, for these be dangerous times we live in. Keep a weather eye out for any suspicious characters, and report any information ye may have to the authorities.
Let us pray for the souls of the departed, and hope that justice be swift and merciless for those responsible for this vile act. May they be brought to justice and made to walk the plank for their crimes against humanity.

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