The Booty Report

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Buddy Duress, who sailed from the streets seeking fame, met his fate at 38 winters old. Arrr!


Arrr, he be a scallywag peddlin' his wares in the streets, when the Safdie brothers took pity on him and threw him in their moving pictures. The landlubbers sang his praises, but his wild ways scuppered his chances at a successful acting career, ye see.

Arr matey, let me spin ye a yarn about a scallywag who found treasure in the form of fame and fortune. This here lad was a homeless heroin dealer, a real scoundrel of the streets, until them Safdie brothers took a chance on him and cast him in their films. The critics couldn't get enough of his performances, praising his raw talent and authenticity.
But alas, it was his own recklessness that be his undoing. Ye see, the same wild spirit that made his acting so believable also led him down a treacherous path. He couldn't stay out of trouble, getting into scrapes with the law and throwing away opportunities left and right.
And so, despite his initial success, his career be doomed to Davy Jones' locker. It be a shame, for he had the potential to be a true star of the silver screen. But in the end, it be his own downfall, a cautionary tale for all ye aspiring actors out there.

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