The Booty Report

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Arrr! The U.S. be buildin' a pier to send aid to Gaza by sea. Avast ye mateys, the Middle East be needin' help!


Arrr! Word be going around that Captain Biden be settin' sail to declare in his State of the Union on Thursday that the U.S. navy be buildin' a floatin' pier near the Gaza Strip to allow ships to bring barrels of food and other plunderin' booty! Aye, the seas be filled with excitement!

Arr mateys, listen up! Word on the high seas be that President Biden be plannin' to make a grand announcement in his State of the Union address. 'Tis said that the U.S. military will be buildin' a floatin' pier near the treacherous waters of the Gaza Strip.
This pier be a godsend for ships carryin' much-needed supplies like food and aid to them land lubbers in need. 'Tis a noble gesture, makin' sure that the people of Gaza be gettin' the help they need in these troubled times.
Now, ye may be wonderin', why a floatin' pier, ye may ask? Well, me hearties, the waters near Gaza be too dangerous for ships to dock safely. That be why a floatin' pier be the best solution to ensure that aid be delivered safely and swiftly.
So, let's raise a mug o' grog to President Biden and the U.S. military for their efforts to help those in need. May the winds be at their back and the seas be calm as they embark on this noble mission! Arrrrrr!

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