The Booty Report

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Arrr! The U.S. Military be buildin' a floatin' pier to ferry aid to Gaza, says the White House scallywags!


Arrr, the landlubbers be sayin' they'll be buildin' a makeshift port from ship parts to deliver much-needed supplies to them poor souls in Gaza. 'Tis a fine plan, but methinks they be talkin' like scallywags tryin' to impress the lasses with their fancy words! Arrr!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The U.S. officials be talkin' about buildin' a temporary port made o' ships to bring aid to the poor souls in Gaza. They be sayin' that hundreds o' truckloads o' food be waitin' to reach them starvin' folk!
Arr, imagine the sight o' them ships sailin' close to shore, unloadin' their precious cargo to feed the hungry bellies of them Gazans. It be a noble cause, helpin' those in need in times o' desperation.
So, me hearties, let's raise a toast to them officials for plannin' this grand scheme to save lives in Gaza. May the winds be ever in their favor as they navigate the treacherous waters to deliver the aid to those who be needin' it the most. Yo ho ho, and a barrel o' rum for all!

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