The Booty Report

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Arrr! José Andrés be aimin' to ramp up aid with his World Central Kitchen fer the U.S. Gaza Plan!


Arrr, the crew led by Spanish chef José Andrés be feedin' 32 million meals to the hungry bellies in Gaza! Aye, they be hopin' to serve even more grub to the landlubbers in need. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum for the chef!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The Spanish chef José Andrés be the captain of an organization that be feedin' the hungry souls in Gaza. Aye, they be servin' up more than 32 millions meals to those in need, and they be aimin' to do even more. The crew be workin' hard to make sure that no belly be empty in that desolate land.
Ye see, José Andrés be a true hero, sailin' the seas of generosity and compassion. He be usin' his culinary skills to bring a glimmer of hope to the lives of the hungry and downtrodden. His crew be workin' day and night to make sure that every soul in Gaza be fed and nourished.
So raise a tankard of grog to José Andrés and his crew! May they continue on their noble quest to feed the hungry and bring joy to those in need. And may their generosity and kindness inspire others to join in the fight against hunger and poverty. Yo ho ho, me hearties!

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