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Arr matey! Britain be givin' 10,000 flying machines to Ukraine to battle them pesky Russians. Avast ye!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The UK Defense Secretary, Grant Shapps, hath declared that the nation will be pourin' over $400 million pieces of eight into Ukraine's war chest as they fend off them Russian landlubbers. Aye, let the battle commence!

In a jolly good show of support for our friends in Ukraine, Britain hath declared that they shall provide 10,000 drones to aid in their battle against the pesky Russians. Defense Secretary Grant Shapps did proclaim this grand news whilst gallivanting about Kyiv with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The sum of 125 million pounds ($160 million) shall be spent on these drones, in addition to the 200 million pounds ($256 million) already pledged.Amongst these drones shalt be 1,000 kamikaze drones and other models designed to target ships, a fearsome sight to behold on the high seas. Shapps did boast that Ukraine's Armed Forces hath been using weapons donated by the U.K. to great effect, laying waste to a goodly portion of Russia's fleet in the Black Sea.Reports do suggest that just the other day, Ukrainian sea drones did send another Russian warship down to Davy Jones' locker in the Black Sea, a blow to Moscow's naval power. With these flying contraptions, Ukraine doth have the upper hand in this maritime skirmish, making life quite difficult for those Russian rascals.

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