The Booty Report

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Arrr! The stars be shinin' bright, but the plunderin' of yer biggest dream be afoot, mateys!


Arrr! The National Science Foundation be takin' a wee step towards buildin' an "extremely large telescope." Aye, 'tis a mighty fine spyglass they be plannin' to make, to search the skies for treasures beyond our wildest dreams! Aarrgh mateys!

Arrr! The stars be shinin' bright, but the plunderin' of yer biggest dream be afoot, mateys!

Arrr me hearties, listen up! The National Science Foundation be makin' a move toward buildin' a grand telescope - one that be extremely large, they say! Aye, just the one step they be takin', but it be a mighty important one indeed.
Now ye might be wonderin', why be this telescope so special? Well, let me tell ye, mateys. This telescope, when it be completed, will be able to see farther into the depths of space than any telescope before it. It be able to spy on distant galaxies, stars, and planets like never before.
So, why be the NSF investin' in such a grand contraption, ye ask? Well, it be all about expandin' our knowledge of the universe, me hearties. By peerin' into the far reaches of space, we can learn more about how it all works, and maybe even discover new worlds out there.
So, me buckos, raise a tankard to the NSF and their extremely large telescope. May it bring us many a new discovery and awe-inspirin' sights in the years to come. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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