The Booty Report

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Arrr, the winds be so mighty, they moved a whole lake in Death Valley two leagues! Shiver me timbers!


Arr mateys, last week the mighty winds did blow Lake Manly two leagues from its rightful spot in the national park! 'Twas a grand adventure for the landlubbers to find their precious water gone astray! Arrr!

Arr matey, last week the winds be so strong that they be pushin' Lake Manly, a temporary puddle o' water, two leagues from where it started in the national park! Arr, ye best be watchin' out for that mischievous wind, for it be playin' tricks on the land and makin' the waters dance!
Would ye believe it, me hearties? A lake be movin' on its own accord, like a ghostly ship sailin' on the high seas. Ye best be keepin' an eye out for any other mischief that wind be causin', for who knows what other wonders or terrors it be bringin' upon us?
So gather round, me mateys, and listen to the tale of the wanderin' Lake Manly, a body of water that be not constrained by the confines of the land. Let us raise a toast to the power of the wind and the wonders it be creatin' in our world!

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