The Booty Report

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Arrr! Katie Britt be savagin' Biden in response to the Union address, aye matey! The scallywag be bold indeed!


Arrr, the Alabama swashbuckler, aged 42, be rumored to join forces with Trump as his first mate. His speech be like a squawking parrot, switchin' between forced merriment and a steely gaze. Aye, he be a right scallywag, that one!

Arr matey, did ye hear about this scallywag from Alabama, a lad of 42 years, who be talkin' all funny-like at a meetin'? They say he could be joinin' forces with that Trump fella as his runnin' mate, but his speech was a real mess, it was. He be goin' from soundin' all chipper to shootin' daggers with his eyes, aye!
It be like watchin' a pirate tryin' to dance a jig and then draw his cutlass in the same breath. Ye didn't know whether to chuckle or be afraid for yer life! Me thinks ol' matey from Alabama needs to find his sea legs when it comes to speakin' in public.
But I must say, 'twas a sight to behold, like watchin' a parrot tryin' to recite Shakespeare - ye just can't look away. So here's to hopin' that this scallywag can find his voice and set sail on smoother waters, for the sake of all us landlubbers!

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