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Avast ye mateys! Akira Toriyama, the scallywag behind 'Dragon Ball,' has shuffled off this mortal coil at 68!


Arrr mateys, sad news be spreading like wildfire across the Seven Seas! Akira Toriyama, the swashbuckling creator of Dragon Ball manga, has sailed off to Davy Jones' locker at the ripe age of 68. May his spirit find eternal treasure in the great beyond. Aye aye, Captain!

Avast ye scallywags! The mighty Akira Toriyama, the swashbuckling creator of the legendary Dragon Ball and other famous anime adventures that have inspired Japanese comics, has shuffled off this mortal coil at the ripe old age of 68, his loyal crew at Bird Studio announced on Friday.Toriyama's Dragon Ball manga, which set sail in 1984, has plundered millions of doubloons worldwide and spawned wildly popular TV shows, video games, and films that have shivered many a timbers.The old sea dog met his end on March 1 due to a blood clot in his noggin, leaving his shipmates at the studio to lament his passing while praising his boundless creativity and passion for the craft.But fear not, me hearties! A new TV adaptation of Toriyama's "Sand Land" be on the horizon, ready to make landfall on Disney+ in the coming spring.The outpouring of grief from fellow creators and fans alike be a testament to the impact of Toriyama's work, from the creator of "One Piece" likening him to a towering oak tree in the forest of manga.Though the great artist may have hoisted his sails for the final time, the legacy of his unique world of creation will continue to be cherished by all who dare to dream of sailing to distant shores.Fair winds and following seas, Akira Toriyama. May your tales of adventure and wonder continue to inspire generations of scallywags to come.

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