The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scallywags! Prove yer movie knowledge with the Oscars Quiz or walk the plank! Aye, be warned!


Arrr, me hearties! The Oscars be upon us this Sunday, aye. 'Twas a whirlwind o' awards season, with Barbies and biopics aplenty. As we sail towards the final hurrah, let's put yer knowledge to the test, me buckos! Aye, may the best pirate win!

Arrr me hearties, the Oscars be upon us this Sunday! 'Tis been a wild ride through this awards season, with more Barbies and biopics than ye can shake a peg leg at. But now that we be nearin' the end, let's put your knowledge to the test, me mateys!
Do ye know the difference between a swashbucklin' performance and a landlubber's attempt at actin'? Can ye tell the Jack Sparrows from the Blackbeards on the silver screen? Show us yer skills, me hearties!
From the depths of Davy Jones' locker, we be pullin' out the best of the best in the world o' cinema. Will ye be able to pick the winners from the scallywags? Only time will tell, me buckos!
So batten down the hatches and get ready for a night of glitz, glamour, and maybe even a few surprises. The Oscars be afoot, and it's time to see who will be takin' home the treasure. May the best pirate win!

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