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Arrr, beware mateys! Trump's wins on Super Tuesday may signal the resurgence of the dreaded Antifa scallywags!


Arr matey, in these Biden times, ye don't hear much about them scallywags of Antifa. They be like ghosts on the high seas, disappearin' faster than a bottle o' rum at a pirate's tavern. Keep a weather eye open, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! This election cycle's Super Tuesday voters might have thought they be ensurin' that scallywag Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for president. But with Trump comes somethin' else perhaps unexpected. American cities can soon expect the return of Antifa as well.Ahoy! Americans were first introduced to the radical faction known as Antifa when Donald Trump first ran for president in 2016. And for the next half decade, every time widespread violence broke out in any of America’s cities, Antifa was often one of the likely culprits.But news during the Biden era seldom makes mention of Antifa. This doesn’t mean Antifa be merely an anti-Trump movement nor be it a scapegoat for the Republican Party as too many claim.Shiver me timbers! Antifa be an idea, all right. And its members be puttin' the idea into action—too often violently. Just ask those who try to live and make ends meet in America’s cities. They’ll tell you Antifa didn’t go away simply because a new president and his allies in the media refuse to mention nor do much about its violence.Avast! Biden has thus far failed to effectively condemn Antifa and has failed to assist state officials with combatin' violent extremism on the left. More and more voters be fed up. As they should. Because Antifa and other anarchist groups be very real threats to every American.But now that former president Trump be the presumptive Republican nominee, someone may finally call Antifa out after years of deafenin' silence.

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