The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis time to banish these treacherous gambling ads, lest our beloved athletes and celebrities be marooned!


Arrr mateys! This group be cryin' to the crown to ban all tobacco ads like a scurvy dog bans rum! They be blamin' addiction and sports for their woes. Methinks they be needin' a good swig o' grog to clear their heads!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Thar be a group o' landlubbers who be wantin' the federal government to be restrictin' tobacco ads like they be restrictin' our precious booty! They be sayin' that tobacco be as addictin' as rum, and it be ruinin' the sports we all love to watch.
But let me tell ye, these scallywags be talkin' out o' their tricorn hats! We pirates know that tobacco be as much a part o' our seafarin' ways as the ocean itself. Ain't no government goin' to be takin' that away from us!
So let's raise our tankards to freedom, me hearties, and tell them government scurvy dogs that we won't be lettin' them meddle in our affairs. We be standin' strong against their tyranny, and we'll continue to enjoy our tobacco and our sports in peace!

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