The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr, Texas airship mishap near Mexica land be takin' 3 souls to Davy Jones' locker. Aye, sad day indeed."


Arrr mateys! A flying contraption, rumoured to be a mighty bird of metal, was seen sailing over the southern lands of Texas. Laden with soldiers and a brave Border Patrol agent, so the officials do tell. Aye, beware all ye scallywags!

Arrr mateys, listen up! A mighty vessel known as a helicopter be sailin' through the skies of southern Texas with soldiers and a brave Border Patrol agent onboard, as told by the officials. Arrr, ye can almost hear the rotors choppin' through the air like a cutlass through a sea monster!
These soldiers and the agent be keepin' a keen eye on the land below, searchin' for any scallywags tryin' to sneak across the border like sneaky bilge rats. The skies be their domain, and they be protectin' it with all their might!
It be a sight to behold, me hearties, seein' such a modern contraption flyin' through the clouds like a bird with steel wings. The soldiers be ready to defend their ship, and the agent be ready to pounce on any lubbers tryin' to cause trouble.
So next time ye be wanderin' through the southern lands of Texas, keep a weather eye out for that helicopter overhead. And if ye be thinkin' of causin' trouble, just remember: the soldiers and the agent be watchin', ready to send ye to Davy Jones' locker!

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