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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Peru done caught an Iranian scallywag plottin' to give an Israeli a scare! Arrr!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The Peruvian constabulary hath captured an Iranian scallywag from the dreaded Quds Force, along with two local landlubbers, plot'n to do in a poor Israeli soul. Aye, they'll walk the plank for sure! Har har har!

Avast ye mateys! In a daring move that would make Blackbeard himself proud, the police in Peru have captured an Iranian scallywag who was allegedly planning to off an Israeli swashbuckler in their fair land. Gen. Óscar Arriola, the chief of the Peruvian police, announced the arrest of Majid Azizi, a 56-year-old landlubber, in Lima along with two local scallywags.Arrr, the authorities managed to scupper the assassination plot before it could come to pass, thanks to a tip from foreign intelligence offices. The scallywag Azizi had only just set foot in Lima on March 3, with plans to make a quick getaway back to Iran after his dastardly deed.While the Associated Press couldn't verify if Azizi truly be a member of the feared Quds Force, a branch of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, the Peruvian authorities be holding him and his cronies in the brig on terrorism charges for 15 days.This be the first time those landlubbers in Peru have caught a scallywag from the Quds Force. It just goes to show, even in this day and age, pirates still be lurking in the shadows, plotting their treacherous schemes.Arriola be warning that there be still one more Peruvian scallywag on the loose, who be the mastermind behind this nefarious plan. Let this be a lesson to all ye scallywags out there, beware the long arm of the law!

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