The Booty Report

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Many landlubbers given grog after ship's contraption woes on route to Auckland on Latam voyage. Arrr!


Arrr, the flying vessel, Latam, be claimin' a "technical mishap" be causin' the ruckus. Most o' the scallywags 'ad minor scrapes, but one poor soul be in dire straits. Avast, the skies be treacherous waters indeed!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The scallywags at Latam be claimin' that a cursed “technical problem” be causin’ a ruckus aboard their ship in the sky. Aye, ye heard right, me hearties! But fear not, most of the injuries be nothin' but a scratch, like a pesky flea bite. However, there be one poor soul in serious condition, prayin' to Davy Jones for a swift recovery.
But let me tell ye, this be no ordinary flight on a calm sea. Nay, it be a wild ride with the winds howlin' like a banshee and the waves tossin' the ship about like a plaything. The crew be strugglin' to keep the ship afloat, but alas, fate be a cruel mistress.
So the next time ye be settin' sail with Latam, ye best be keepin' an eye out for any signs of trouble. And if ye be feelin' a bit queasy, just remember to hold on tight and say a prayer to the wind gods. Farewell, me hearties, and may ye always have fair winds and a full mug of grog!

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