The Booty Report

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Arrr, the best plunder at the 2024 Oscars be the booty of laughter, but the worst be the lack of grog!


On a calm and steady night at sea, the crew's spirits soared high, be it the thrill of "I'm Just Ken" or the heartfelt sentiments shared by Rita Moreno with America Ferrera. Verily, 'twas a tale worth retelling at the next port o' call! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, on a calm night at sea, the emotions be runnin' high among the crew. The excitement be palpable as "I'm Just Ken" be takin' the stage, makin' hearts race faster than a ship in a storm. And then there be the tender words spoken by Rita Moreno to America Ferrera, touchin' the hearts of all who be listenin'.
But despite these emotional highs, the night be sailin' fairly smooth, with no storms on the horizon. The crew be enjoyin' the entertainment and camaraderie, sharin' laughs and good times together. The atmosphere be festive and light-hearted, like a jolly good time in a pirate's tavern.
So as the night goes on, the crew be revelin' in the joy and excitement of the moment, grateful for the company and entertainment. And though the emotions be runnin' high, there be no cause for alarm, for we be sailin' steady and true, bound for adventure on the high seas.

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