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"Arrr, them scallywags be claimin' Israel forced workers to lie! 'Tis preposterous, ye scurvy dogs!"


Arrr mateys, UNRWA be in a dire predicament, tryin' to keep their ship from sinkin' after bein' accused of joinin' the scallywags in a dastardly massacre! They be blamin' Israel for makin' 'em walk the plank with false accusations. Aye, the seas be rough indeed!

In a report, the scandal-plagued United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) alleged that some of its workers were coerced by Israel into falsely confessing ties to the Hamas-led Oct. 7 massacre. The report detailed threats, coercion, and abuse suffered by Palestinian detainees at the hands of Israeli authorities. UNRWA spokesperson Juliette Touma refused to provide a copy of the report, claiming it was leaked to the media. Despite allegations of UNRWA staff involvement in the massacre, the UN does not classify Hamas as a terrorist organization. Israel's Defense Minister accused dozens of UNRWA employees of participating in the attack. The State Department paused funding pending an investigation into the allegations.International lawyer Peter Gallo criticized the UNRWA report, mocking Touma's call for information from Gazans. Former IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricus called for the dismantling of UNRWA, attributing the dire situation in Gaza to the agency's failure. Expert David Bedein highlighted Hamas' control over UNRWA's unions, emphasizing the organization's problematic relationship with the terrorist group. Amid criticism and calls for reform, Sweden and Canada pledged additional funding to UNRWA, underscoring the complex dynamics and challenges faced by the embattled agency.

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