The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, the swashbucklin' Princess Ira von Fürstenberg has set sail for Davy Jones' locker at the ripe age of 83!


Yarrr, with 'er fancy lineage, wealthy mates, and famous companions, she be livin' like a true swashbuckler of high society. Aye, she be the picture of luxury and elegance, sailin' the high seas of international social circles with grace and style!

Arrr matey, let me tell ye 'bout this fine lass who be livin' a life o' opulence and grandeur fit for a queen. She be havin' the blood o' aristocrats runnin' through her veins, not to mention havin' a couple o' husbands who be high-profile indeed. And let's not forget 'bout her famous mates, rubbin' elbows with the elite wherever she goes.
This fine lady be embodyin' the epitome o' chicness, with her fancy parties and glamorous affairs makin' her a social figure known across the seven seas. She be livin' a life most landlubbers can only dream of, sailin' from one exotic locale to the next in her quest for adventure and excitement.
Her elegance and grace be unmatched, catchin' the eye o' all who be lucky enough to cross paths with her. So raise a glass o' rum to this fine lady, for she be showin' us all how to live life in style like a true pirate queen!

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