The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The finest swashbucklers on the Oscars plank be Emma Stone, Colman Domingo and their shipmates. Aye!


Arrr, me hearties! The crimson plank at the Academy Awards be adorned with fancy garb fit fer kings and queens. Some swashbucklers be dressed to impress, while others be walkin' the plank in outfits more foul than a bilge rat's breath. Ahoy, what a sight to behold!

Arrr me hearties! The red carpet at the Academy Awards be a sight to behold, with all the elegant swashbucklers and over-the-top landlubbers parading their finest attire. Some be lookin' like they just walked off the deck of a fancy ship, with their fancy frocks and sparklin' jewels. Others be sportin' outfits that be more mismatched than a pirate with two wooden legs!
There be plenty of political statements bein' made on the red carpet too, with messages as clear as the Jolly Roger flappin' in the wind. Some be supportin' noble causes, while others be just lookin' to stir up a right ol' storm.
But no matter what they be wearin', one thing be for certain - the red carpet at the Academy Awards be the place to see and be seen. So next time ye be watchin' those fancy award shows, keep an eye out for the best (and the not-so-best) outfits on the high seas of Hollywood!

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