The Booty Report

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Yarrr mateys! Thar be a scandalous photo of Princess Kate causin' a stir in the royal court! Aye, trouble brewin' ahead!


Arr, a portrait taken of the Princess of Wales on Mother's Day be causing a stir among the landlubbers! Instead o' settlin' rumors 'bout her health, it be stirrin' up more trouble and castin' doubt on the royal family's integrity. Aye, a fine mess indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen to this tale of the Princess of Wales and her Mother's Day photo scandal. Aye, 'twas meant to calm the whispers about her health, but instead it be stirrin' up more trouble than a storm at sea. The photo did naught but cast doubt on the royal family, leavin' many to wonder what else they be hidin' from us landlubbers.
'Twas a right mess, I tell ye! The paparazzi be circlin' like hungry sharks, lookin' for any sign of weakness in the princess. And the photo only gave 'em more fodder for their cannons. Trust in the royal family be sinkin' faster than a leaky ship, and the crew be jumpin' overboard like rats desertin' a sinkin' vessel.
But fear not, me hearties! We pirates be keepin' a weather eye on the goings-on in the royal court. We be watchin' for any signs of treachery or deceit, ready to swoop in and plunder the truth from the depths of the sea. So batten down the hatches and prepare for a wild ride, for the princess be sailin' into dangerous waters indeed!

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